London Chess Conference

Beyond Chess

Two special sessions of our conference are looking at other strategy games and their educational potential. These sessions are realised in collaboration with the 8×8 project, that has been exploring simpler games that can be played on the chessboard, usually with simple counters. The partners of this Erasmus + funded strategic partnership – ChessPlus, the Portuguese maths and games association Ludus, the House of Mathematics of the Pedagogical University of Vienna and the French school authority Académie de Créteil – came together through the London Chess Conference. Members of the 8×8 team will be sharing preliminary results from the own ongoing project. They will be joined by game scientists, experts and organisers. 

Didactics of Strategy Games is the focus of the first session of Beyond Chess. What simple strategy games can be played on the chess board? What are their educational advantages in comparison with chess? How can strategy games help to promote metacognitive skills in pupils?   

Strategy Games and Technology is the focus of the second session. How can strategy games promote abilities and interest in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)? Why do scientists study the genealogy of strategy games?  What was learned at the Mind Sports Olympiad’s first online edition? What is the impact of AI on Go?